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Welcome to Borgoplastic

Plastic injection moulding

Alongside our customers
for over 50 years

Borgoplastic was founded in 1971 and has developed a know how in its reference field of plastic material moulding, injection and bi-injection thanks to customer fidelity and to the collaboration with many other companies.

Due to the skills acquired, Borgoplastic proves to be a strategic partner for the supply of plastic pieces realized with customers’ moulds and for the support in eventual trails going from the study of the mould design to the supply of plastic pieces, including all the additional processes necessary to the final project that may or may not require plastic material moulding.

Borgoplastic sets the goal of a total and complete customer satisfaction by optimizing lead times and professional/technical skills, being the only interlocutor in the projects.

Besides the moulding of plastic pieces, Borgoplastic offers many other services including tampography, serigraphy, hot pressing and sublimation.

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Borgoplastic is quality

Compliant with the
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015